Tuesday, August 26, 2008

No more TV for me

It's time to take a LONG break from my television (sans baseball of course). Now that the Wire is over there's nothing left for me. Project Runway bores me, but it is a great excuse to catch up with my gal pals once a week and down lots of cheap vino. Alight, maybe there are a few caveats to my blanket statement on my intent to abolish the time sucker. I'm just really going to miss the Wire.

To mark the release of the final season of the show on DVD earlier this month, the Museum of the Moving Image presented a panel, Making "The Wire", with David Simon, the series creator and co-producer; novelist and screenwriter Richard Price, who wrote several episodes; and four of the show's stars: Seth Gilliam (who played Ellis Carver), Clark Johnson (city editor Gus Haynes), Clarke Peters (Lester Freemon), and Wendell Pierce ("Bunk"), moderated by David Schwartz, Chief Curator.

Listen to the panel here

1 comment:

Julie said...

We watched two episodes last night.. and after I went to sleep I proceeded to have a very strange dream about the Wire and wine country. :)
Thugs in Napa, who knew.