Friday, September 25, 2009

The Expo for Independent Arts 10th Anniversary!

Hola kiddies. It's been quite some time since I've updated this here blog, so my apologies. Work is crazy as always, and let's face it - when you stare at a computer screen for 10 hours a day you don't quite like to continue that in your free time. At least I don't. Give me a book over a computer screen any day. Along those same lines, since moving in with Shane we have bid adieu to television altogether. While that's nothing unfamiliar to me, I have to say that living without baseball was quite a shock to my system. I don't miss much else (OK - maybe Mad Men), but having to pay $ to sit in a bar to watch my baseball was none too enjoyable. We shall see how long this lasts.

This is going to be a busy weekend. Hoping to make it to the Big Book Sale after work, but if that doesn't happen it will just have to wait 'til Sunday. I am going to *try* and limit myself to spending no more than $100. RRRRRIIIGGGHT.

Tomorrow is the 10th annual Independent Arts & Media Expo - happening this time around in golden gate park. Even if juggling and swing dancing isn't your thing, the expo is going to be jam-backed with exhibitors ranging from Alternative Tentacles Records to The Women's Audio Mission. This is Arts & Media's largest fund-raising event of the year, so get on out and support them dammit!

Did I mention that tour de fat is also happening in the park tomorrow? Hop on your bike, have a few beers and then peruse the expo. Not a bad afternoon if you ask me.

Lastly, leaving you with my favorite flickr set of the week (thanks MeFi).